A Whole New World

New beginnings. The all-but-inevitable part of life: equally terrifying, exhilarating, energizing, and life-bringing.

If you had told us 2 years ago that we would start an independent advisory firm and go out on our own I would have said you were nuts. Of course, if you asked me 5 years ago if I ever thought I would be giving people financial advice for a living I would have about had a hemorrhage. If you had told my dad when he started this business in 1994 that it would be at the place where it is today he would have said you were crazy.

But here we are. So why this? And why now?

It’s long been our goal to deliver the highest level of service and best possible experience for those whom we advise. As the world around us has evolved over the past year, and the landscape of advice has changed, we have come to realize the value of being able to communicate transparently with our stakeholders. Our former corporate structure never allowed us to fully expand our services, or tell our story in full color. Shoot — I came on 4 years ago after living in New York and graduating with an English Literature degree thinking I was going to change the world as a poet or something; yet, this is quite literally the first time I’ve been allowed to write a longer-than-4-sentence-blog-post and still be allowed to keep my job.

Though we always sought to minimize outside influence (and I think we’ve done a really good job) we were just an extension of a corporate entity. Too many times we had to decline client requests for more services, which we were more than capable of performing, because our structure didn’t allow us to. Being independent means we are able to service our clients to the fullest extent of our fiduciary, and legal capabilities as investment advisors. It means we may now communicate with our clients and the general public on our own terms: authentically, honestly, timely — and more personally — than ever before. And it means we get to tailor the client experience down to the individual level. Not only will that mean better technology and faster responses to client-initiated changes and requests, but a more robust offering of services including things like tax preparation, estate planning services, and even the ability to pay your bills.

Next year we will be debuting our amazing new office space on Lake Austin Blvd. It will be a state-of-the-art hub complete with an espresso bar (my insistence), a podcast studio (21st century necessity), a new conference room, and a right-at-home feel that will be sure to create an elevated experience for all who walk in the doors.

My hope for everyone is that ENZI provides an experience that makes you ask: why wasn't it like this the entire time?


A Year In Review